Instrumental in the introduction of blueberries to Australia, Mountain Blue has a long history of providing Australia's growers and consumers with premium blueberry varieties. With Northern and Southern Highbush genetics, there is a variety for every growing region and season.
Early Varieties (Fruiting earlier in the season)
Eureka Sunrise
Average Berry Specs:
Weight: 3
Size: 19
Brix: 14
Firmness: 62
Eureka Gold
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 3.6
Size: 21
Brix: 13
Firmness 70
Average Berry Specs:
Weight: 2
Size: 18
Brix: 15
Firmness: 64
Mid Varieties (Fruiting in mid season)
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 2.5
Size: 17
Brix: 15
Firmness 57
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 3
Size: 19
Brix: 14
Firmness: 62
Late Season ( late season fruiting)
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 3
Average Berry Size: 20
Brix: 13
Firmness 61
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 3
Average Berry Size: 19
Brix: 12
Firmness 49
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 3.5
Average Berry Size: 20
Brix: 12
Firmness: 55
Average Berry Specs
Weight: 3
Size: 19
Brix: 12
Firmness: 49
Research and Development News
Mountain Blue have a strong research and development program, that supply world-renowned genetics in a variety of formats to suit growers requirements. The program is headed by world-leading expert Ridley Bell, who has been actively involved in the development of the Australian blueberry industry since its humble beginning in 1975.
His early work has involved the development of several Northern Highbush varieties. Named 2010 NSW Farmer of the Year, Ridley continues his work in the development of new varieties, both Northern and Southern Highbush, including the world-renowned variety, Eureka. Mountain Blue and the Bell family was also recently named The Weekly Times Coles 2020 Horticulture Farmer of the Year for their contribution to the Australian blueberry industry.