Partnerships & Community Engagement
Mountain Blue's core values are built around giving back. Understanding the importance of education, health and well-being, Mountain Blue has formed strong partnerships with community networks and global non-for-profit agencies including World Vision. Through this network, Mountain Blue provides access to facilities, education on health and well-being as well as assistance for communities in need.
Mountain Blue has been in partnership with World Vision since 2016. Through contributions as well as our $0.05 punnet program, we have contributed to key projects including the Opeta Heath Centre upgrades (which serves 20,000 people in Uganda), construction of teacher housing for local schools and an annual youth soccer tournament.
Over the years our punnet program has contributed to over $750,000AUD. These funds have gone on to help the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) Program, which World Vision has introduced to rural communities across Africa and Asia over the last 10 years, regenerating over one million hectares of degraded land.
Mieke Bell with new mother at the Opeta Health Centre.
Assisting local networks, agencies, schools as well as individuals is a key component of our community engagement. From school programs, sports and community outreach to our relationship with The Winsome and Lismore Soup Inc; providing resources and care for those in need locally, is important to Mountain Blue.